Protect the brand you’ve worked so hard to build

Even established or mature brands need attention as they evolve over time. Regardless of your brand’s tenure, it’s important to think about what it needs to be successful inside and outside of your organization. If your brand falls out of sync with business or market dynamics, adjustments may be needed. This doesn’t mean a rebrand is necessary, but rather a shift in how your current brand is expressed to meet business needs. Even simple updates can have a meaningful impact on communications. 

At TenTen, we believe there is a lot you can do to protect your existing brand.

Execute a brand assessment. Identify which assets are being used by employees and partners to execute the brand. Lay everything out to understand how consistent and effective your suite of assets truly is when it comes to brand delivery. This exercise can help identify opportunities to improve your brand, focusing on high impact touchpoints that will help support business goals.

Build out brand training. Helping the rest of the organization understand the importance of your brand and what it means to them as individuals is necessary to move teams in the same direction and collectively support the business. However, people learn in different ways, which is why it’s important to have a variety of formats when it comes to brand education. This could mean a mix of guidelines, videos, in-person sessions, digital learning environments, etc. A comprehensive brand training curriculum gives people the tools to be successful and feel confident in executing the brand. 

Define a brand governance structure. While brand education helps familiarize employees with the brand, brand governance goes a step further to empower people with the tools and processes for consistent brand delivery. Brand governance can measure brand adoption and encourage accountability. Defining a brand governance structure brings clarity to decisions that help manage and progress the brand. 

If your organization does not prioritize brand, managing it can be tough. The challenge of using brand or marketing dollars in the most meaningful way is important when there’s pressure to generate ROI. TenTen is a partner that helps determine what your brand needs to be successful, how to secure funding and support, and what the roadmap looks like to achieve brand goals. 

To learn more about how we've helped others protect their brand investment, reach out at



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